Information presented here is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Please consult your primary health care practitioner.

September 03, 2013

Purely Acupuncture

Purely Acupuncture – What is it? When?
30 minute Acupuncture only sessions are now available Tuesday, Thursday and Friday! This is the treatment for you if you are:
·       short of time
·       prefer a needles-only treatment
·       require frequent treatment
Call 416.515.1710 or go online to book.

Book online!

Booking online made easy!!
Well, I've finally done it. It’s taken awhile to get it up and running, but I now have online scheduling. You can quickly and easily book your appointments on-line.  Simply go to my website:, click on the ‘book now’ icon and choose a time that works for you. After you have scheduled your appointment you will receive confirmation and a reminder. How amazing is that? Of course, you can still call or email me personally to book your appointment if that suits you.

January 24, 2013

Simply Eat

I am frequently asked if Acupuncture can help a person lose weight. But before I answer that question, I inquire about eating habits and lifestyle. Encouraging my clients to eat and live well though diet and exercise is important. The weight loss will naturally follow.

I found a great article that explains Healthy eating, I've summarized the points here and added a few:
  • Lots of fruits and veggies (a variety and bright colours).
  • Have some protein with each meal.
  • Choose foods seasonally.
  • Cooked food is easier to digest. Raw foods can be difficult.
  • Avoid fried foods (sautéing is better)
  • Eat whole foods, less processed.
  • Eat slowly, relax and enjoy (do not eat on the go or at your desk) 
  • When having treats, have in moderation. Do not deny yourself small pleasures.
To answer the question, "Can Acupuncture help a person lose weight"?: 
Acupuncture can assist in weight loss but it is up to the individual to make the important lifestyle changes. 

Your Acupuncturist will support your body and its constitution. The treatment will most likely include, tonifying the Spleen Qi. The Spleen is responsible for digestion and producing Qi (for energy) and Blood (which nourishes the Mind; Vital organs, muscles, tendons and bones). The treatment is tailored to you and will incorporate other patterns that need to be addressed.

Auricular Acupuncture may also be used in conjunction with points on the body to help reduce cravings and deal with stress. All this supports the body in weight loss.

There is also a great article if you would like to read more on Acupuncture for weight loss.

If you have any questions regarding Acupuncture and weight control or Eastern Nutrition and foods that are appropriate for your constitution, feel free to contact me.

January 23, 2013

Acupuncture during Labour and Delivery

I am looking forward to this seminar in February 2013.
Helping women during labour and delivery. Decreasing discomfort and pain. 

I will report back regarding this in mid-February. Stay tuned and keep in touch.

September 24, 2012

Stay Healthy this Fall

Dear Clients,

The following newsletter is about preparing yourself for Fall and why I am Happy to introduce my Fall promotion for Health and Wellness.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Fall is the beginning of the yin cycle (quiet, cool and calm), a time of harvest. Fall is a good time to finish projects that you began in spring and summer and now you can enjoy the bounty of your hard work. It is also a good time to become more introspective and begin indoor projects.

TCM considers the Lung and Large Intestine organs as the “Metal” element and is related to the Fall. The Lung is associated with the emotion of “letting go.” Those who have difficultly with the end of summer may relate to this emotion very strongly. Acupuncture can ease you in this transition, as it has been know to effectively treat many mental and emotional issues.

The Lung, according to TCM, is considered to be the uppermost organ in the body. It is therefore prone to attacks of “Wind and Cold”. We tend to get sick more readily during the Fall due the cooler temperatures. Ensure that you dress warm, in layers and wear your scarf!

Regarding diet, we recommend a Spleen friendly diet to support your digestion and therefore your health. Decrease your consumption of dairy products and raw cold foods. Increase warm, cooked soups and stews. Add even more warmth to your foods with ginger and garlic.

To help you maintain good physical and mental/emotional health, contact me to help you adjust to this change of season. Regular treatments can strengthen you constitution.

To start you on the right footing this Fall, I would like to offer you until October 31, a package of 3 treatments for $225 (includes HST):

Limit one package per person
May purchase as a gift
Please click on the link to make your purchase online OR feel free to contact me.

Warmest Regards,
JoAnn Alafriz, BSc, Dipl ST, Dipl Ac
Acupuncture and Shiatsu Therapy

2 College St, #301
Toronto, ON  M5G 1K3

July 13, 2011

Social Networking

Interested in Traditional Chinese Medicine? Acupuncture? Eastern Nutrition? Shiatsu?
Do you have questions regarding how Acupuncture and Shiatsu and help you?
Are you interested in trying Cosmetic Acupuncture?

Follow me to learn more: 

JoAnn Alafriz, Acupuncture & Shiatsu Therapist

June 06, 2011

Treating Allergies with Acupuncture

Do you suffer from allergies? Dread this time of year because of the sneezing, itching and runny nose? Feeling miserable? Acupuncture can give you some relief.

Allergy symptoms result from the body's immune system overreacting to an outside substance that is normally harmless to others. These substances do not normally exhibit a reaction, but for some, they trigger the body to fight off the allergen in an overly exaggerated way.

There are various ways to easy the symptoms: anti-histamines, eye drops, homeopathic remedies, Vitamin C, and dietary changes. If you want to take treatment further, look to Acupuncture.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), we view allergies as an invasion of Wind. Meaning that symptoms come on suddenly. If one is invaded by Wind, we believe it is because Wei Qi is not strong. Meaning the immune system is weak and is susceptible to illness.

A TCM Acupuncturist would treat the person holistically. First by treating the acute symptoms as they appear (sneezing, runny nose etc.). Second, treat the underlying deficiency i.e.) the weakened immune system. Spleen, Kidney or Lung Deficiencies would most likely be affected according to TCM. Meaning, that the function of these “Organs” are not performing to their optimal potential therefore allowing the Wind invasion.

Home care would also be given, it would include: dietary modification, the use of specifically chosen supplements and herbs, plus other suggestions to strengthen the deficient Organs.

If you or someone you know suffers from seasonal allergies, feel free to contact me for more information.
